tagged ‘quinoa’

Quinoa, red bean & mushroom veggie burger

in Savoury, Taste -

Generously flavoured with chipotle honey and herbs, these quinoa, red bean & mushroom veggie burger is delicious and a damn looker too!

Quinoa, red bean & mushroom veggie burger

Inspired by the promises of delightfully warm, hot even, weather and bright sun at last, I’m sharing my favourite veggie budget recipe yet; as much as I love beef burgers, I so much prefer a veggie version: I find that there’s infinite possibilities for improvising, adding a variety of ingredients, spices and herbs, depending on what I have at hand, cravings and flavour profile I’m after. [READ MORE]

Earl Grey breakfast quinoa with tahini & jam

in Breakfast, Taste -

A delicious, warming and filling Earl Grey breakfast quinoa with tahini & jam for those sunny yet cold last days of winter.

Earl grey breakfast quinoa with tahini & jam

The last few days have been somewhat hard, somewhat dragging more than I would have liked. I love winter- and even when I don’t, I’ve learned to at least (pretend to) keep my cool and tolerate it as best as I can. Yet these last weeks before the official arrival of spring almost always get me. Temperatures are still low and the days are still a little gloomy, a little dark, with the occasional deceiving blasts of sunlight, which only intensify the longing for spring. And early mornings, dark and quiet, that’s when I may get blue the most. And yet, those are the best promise for the day about to start. And mine almost always starts with a great breakfast. [READ MORE]

Coquina squash, quinoa & goat cheese salad

in Savoury, Taste -

Coquina squash, quinoa & goat cheese salad

It’s pumpkin season and I’m in love. And by pumkin, I generally refer to all you wonderful squashes out there. All the different shapes and colours and textures- every year I get so excited and overwhelmed, I end up covering every corner in our house and sneaking squashes and pumpkins into most of our meals: from soups, snacks and mini cheese pies to main dishes and dessert, come October, chances are there will be squash or pumpkin in there. [READ MORE]

Quinoa beetroot salad (Rocabella Hotel Mykonos)

in Savoury, Taste -

Forget about the breathtaking views, super stylish rooms and impeccable service: the real bomb in Rocabella Hotel Mykonos is the food! I couldn’t be happier sharing the recipe for one of their signature dishes with you, as it’s exactly the way I like it: delicious (trust me, I’ve been making it on repeat), colourful, fresh and super easy to make. If, like me, you can’t make the trip to Mykonos this year, we can at least enjoy this beautiful salad over and over again!


Avocado, nectarine & pistachio quinoa salad

in Savoury, Taste -

Avocado, nectarine & pistachio quinoa salad

One of the things I love more about the summer months is how my appetite and cooking changes. When it’s cold, I enjoy heartier, somewhat heavier dishes and I’m happy to spend hours in the kitchen making soups, bread or decadent desserts. As soon as it gets a little warm though, all I crave is speedy, refreshing meals with light textures. I mostly lean towards salads and I’m always impressed by the countless combinations one can come up when it comes to fresh vegetables and fruits. So, these days, that summer has finally arrived here in London (I mean, kinda- rain still keeps us on our toes) my cooking is almost exclusively dedicated to all sorts of things light, colourful and quick. From this one pot pasta and the easiest, hands down most delicious molten chocolate cake, to this avocado, nectarine & pistachio quinoa salad. [READ MORE]

Coconut milk, maple & lime quinoa with caramelised pears & toasted hazelnuts

in Breakfast, Taste -


It’s been a little over week since I’ve been back and I’m still struggling. I’m not worried though- it’s only part of my usual back-to-school drama, which I live out to the fullest, with frequent outbursts, cursing on the weather, the traffic, the boots and layers I now have to live in and everything else, really. [READ MORE]

More chickpea love: veggie burgers with quinoa, kale & red pepper

in Savoury, Taste -


Even though I eat meat quite rarely, I’m always up for a good burger (as I’ve previously and inappropriately mentioned). I’m not as devoted as M, who’s tried almost every good burger joint in town and has described and rated his experiences in excruciating detail, but whenever I’m given the opportunity to dig in a juicy, medium-rare burger, I’ll take it- nay, I’ll grab it! [READ MORE]