Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

This week’s Food for Thought is all about the very simple secret behind a healthy diet, a terrific old fashioned new film, supporting refugees and surviving London.

Happy Friday y’all! I’ve enjoyed this past week quite a bit, with all its hustle and bustle. There was a lot of work to be done for the blog, which was both painful at times (one part of me is a giant sloth), and super inspiring (another part of me is a Marvel character). In the midst of it all, I managed to watch the 13th (which kinda kept me up for the better part of a couple nights), spent roughly two hours in Whole Foods looking at herbs and chocolate bars and trying to come up with a plan to try said chocolates without paying (no luck) and played around with V-Day recipe ideas (those damn chocolates!). The weekend ahead will be spend mostly in East London, mostly with friends and will also, probably, include some healthy food (at the Fare Healthy Festival). Have a great one! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

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On today’s food for thought: coffee’s necessity, Mary Poppin’s charms, the absurdity of clean eating and the beauty of Dutch babies for breakfast.

Quinoa, fresh greens, radishes, avocado & 6min egg

The week has passed by quickly, but was neither very easily nor exciting. It’s super cold outside, both Mike and I are very busy and not in the best of moods and the days seem to quickly go by, but also kinda drag. On the plus side, I’ve played around with a couple hearty dishes (a chickpea curry may be coming your way soon), lots of quick plates full of fresh veggies and delicious grains and now have a new favourite banana bread. We are both looking forward to the weekend, which will include a much needed date night, a friend’s birthday and, hopefully, lots of lounging in bed. Have a great weekend, y’all! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

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Weekend brunch, genius recipes, inspiring books, series and music, the best way to fight a cold and my favourite food-related advice.

White chocolate bark

This week went by in a flash. It was mostly sunny (but very cold), mostly creative and filled with some experimentation with date fudge (delicious) and protein bars (not so delicious). We have a busy weekend coming up: there will be pie making for National Pie Day, some homeware shopping (I’m loving Oliver Bonas right now), aperitivos with friends and a Sunday brunch I am really looking forward to (here are some great recommendations for the whole of UK). How’s your weekend looking? [READ MORE]

How to read a recipe

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Does this sound a little patronising? It’s really not. I promise. I don’t have all the answers, I’m no authority, but I really really love a good story. And a good treasure hunt. And a good old list. Reading a recipe is not just about reading the damn thing. It’s pretty much a map of a treasure island, a map full of clues; while we’re going through it, we’ve also forming a plan, foreseeing bumps and traps and whatnot, preparing as best as we can for what we may face on our way to our much deserving treasure (aka pie/ soup/ healthy what have you). [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -


Happy New Year! I hope y’all are back from your holiday rested, a little more laid back, a lot more inspired and ready for the new year. That’s exactly how I welcomed 2017: with zero new year’s resolutions, but a few plans and a whole lotta tasty ideas. After a holiday which was relaxed and stressful in almost equal measures and filled with love and food (also in equal measures), I’m (kinda) welcoming coming back to reality and forming a new routine . Let’s make it fun, creative and delicious- shall we? [READ MORE]

Happy Holidays!

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Christmas is just one short breath away! I literally cannot wait for the 25th and the week until the new year. Although I haven’t been feeling super festive this time around, I am still a sucker for all things Christmas and a believer in the holidays’ spirit. 2016 has been a weird one. It’s been super, fantastic and overwhelmingly beautiful (Mike’s film won a freaking Academy Award, we threw a super cool party/wedding for our family and family of friends and then went off on a dreamy Cali honeymoon); at the same time, on political, global and human-related fronts it was hard, mean, sad and overall a downright bitch of a year. [READ MORE]

Christmas food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -


We’re a little over a week away from Christmas and I have finally fully embraced the festive spirit. I’ve done my fair share of baking, written cards, placed poinsettias around the house and chosen outfits for the holidays. Our weekend plans are low key but in the same festive pre-Christmas mood: there’s a little bit of shopping left to be done, more baked goods to play with, preparations for a friend’s Christmas party (I’ll be making caramel corn and the tastiest guac) and hopefully an evening spent at home with some wine and Scrooged. Hope your plans are similarly festive and relaxed, y’all! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -


I’ve barely left the house since last Wednesday, as the nasty flu I’d caught turned to pneumonia. I’m exhausted, weak and lacking appetite (seriously!) and yet there’s been a few silver linings these last ten days: I’ve spend more time with Mike than I’ve had since our honeymoon, my gratitude towards Netflix is now at a new height (if you haven’t already, you need to watch Hip-Hop Evolution) and so is my appreciation for little things I was always kinda taking for granted. So, while I’m looking forward to going on a date again or cooking a full meal, I am grateful for being given this time off, the support of my family and the power of hydration. Stay positive, stay well, stay grateful x [READ MORE]