Beet, grape, berry & turmeric smoothie

in Breakfast, Taste -


I hate Mondays. I hate them with a teenager’s ferocity, passion and stubbornness. The weekend usually seems too short and by Sunday night, I often feel less than ready to face the week ahead.

But Monday comes, always, and with it the promise of a new week and the possibility to make it as pretty and exciting as you please. It is Monday and it is a new week, and it is up to us to make them count, right? And it all starts with a good breakfast. [READ MORE]

Nutty granola

in Breakfast, Taste -


This week is all about breakfast; my favourite meal of the day, my favourite thing to make and eat.

“Breakfast is everything. The beginning, the first thing. It is the mouthful that is the commitment to a new day, a continuing life… Somewhere, someone is starting breakfast and thinking, ‘Today will be better than yesterday’…Wherever, whenever breakfast comes, it’s a mouthful of stoic optimism.”,  writes A.A. Gill in ‘Breakfast at the Wolseley’.  [READ MORE]