tagged ‘Nuts’

Very chocolatey hazelnut brownies

in Desserts, Taste -


It really doesn’t take much to throw a successful dinner party; as I’ve shared on Monday’s post, as long as you get a bit organised with the prep required, being surrounded by good friends alone is a guarantee for a fun night in. Even though preparing and plating appetisers is my favourite ‘before’ step, the part of the meal I always anticipate the most is the dessert. [READ MORE]

Baked camembert with fresh & dried fruit

in Small bites, Taste -


This weeks is all about cheese, only one of my favourite things to eat. I’m not a snob when it comes to it- I love almost every kind, in almost every form. Growing up, there was always a few different cheese varieties in our fridge (popular Greek ones, Stilton, parmesan and often a French one); that’s still the case with my fridge. I stock up on cheese almost every week and even though I don’t discriminate, I’ve noticed that here in London, I’m quite partial to French varieties. [READ MORE]

My favourite winter salad (crunchy, sweet & sour and oh so pretty)

in Small bites, Taste -


I usually prefer making salads is the summer. I can’t think of a better way to survive the heat but by eating light dishes, making full use of the abundance of the vibrant and colourful vegetables and fruits available. During the winter, I mostly gravitate towards using seasonal vegetables in piping hot soups, along with lots of fragrant spices and herbs. There are however certain salads which I love making once the weather gets cold.  [READ MORE]

Sweet and salty cashew caramel corn

in Small bites, Taste -

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The end of summer always leaves me with bittersweet emotions: while I don’t want to let go of the hot temperatures, smell of sunscreen, warm starry nights and the overall easiness of the season, I long for the first signs of fall. I ‘m always happy to see the sidewalks filled with colourful falling leaves and to try new comfort recipes featuring autumnal produce. Most of all, I can’t wait for Halloween. [READ MORE]