Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -


Happy Friday, happy 2nd of December y’all! Can you believe we’re only three weeks away from Christmas? Honestly, where did the time go? I’ve been sick as a dog the last couple of days, so I’ve had plenty of time to think about all sorts of things- some silly and unnecessary and others kinda on the more profound side. We have quite a few things lined up for the weekend- fingers crossed I’ll be able to get out of bed and enjoy some relative peace and quiet before the manic countdown to Christmas begins. Stay warm, stay well and positive. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Inspiration -


Happy Friday y’all! Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I found myself once again grateful for so many things, among which the old familiar list: my family, my man, many colorful, interesting & hilarious friends, living in London (that amazing, overwhelming son of a gun) and the fact that I have the luxury of sharing stories and recipes here with y’all. I try not to take any of the above for granted; I try to pause every once in a while and really count my blessings. Being able to be thankful for things which we often take for granted really is a luxury many don’t have. So let’s be grateful. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -


This week has come and gone kinda in a flash. Between running mundane errands, sending pre Christmas presents and getting back to my yoga practice, I also spent quite a bit of time making scary amounts of hummus and spinach pie for a private event. Now I’m more than ready for the weekend, which will include more cooking (a chocolate bundt cake with salted caramel is in the cards), Christmas decoration planning and research for the best holiday gifts out there. Have a great one y’all! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Inspiration -


Gee, am I glad for the weekend! This past week has been impressively crap on many fronts and I couldn’t be happier it comes to an end. The sudden cold weather, tons of work, news and under the weather-ness, really makes a couple days of calm reflection a necessity. And it kinda started last night when, between wine, copious amount of semi junk food, gossip and talk of new US president, my lady friends and I had one of the most honest conversations I’ve had in a long time. As women, professionals, friends, partners and everything in between, there’s so much we are angry about, afraid of and dumbfounded by; yet the realisation that change can and must start from the way we each deal with the various curveballs which life throws us, be it small or big, and from being there for each other, eyes, ears and heart open, is quite soothing and sufficiently hopeful. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -


I have been waiting for this Friday & weekend for quite some time now. I’m off to WIRED16 for a day which I believe will be filled with stimulating discussions and presentations (plus delicious food). Later today I’m going to Cotswolds with our London family for three days spent in a gorgeous cottage in the countryside. There will be lots of food, some post Halloween fun and other shenanigans for which I couldn’t be happier. Hope you have a similarly naughty and inspiring end of the week. [READ MORE]

California Love

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California Love

In case you’ve missed all the photos I’ve posted on Instagram in the last month and my non stop blabbing about it or casually dropping the C, L & A words here and there, our honeymoon was spent in California. A little over two weeks between LA and road tripping along the west coast, with a three-day stop at Napa Valley and then back to LA. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

Halloween is just around the corner and I could not be happier: our house is filled (ok, not filled, since Mike does not embrace the holiday with the same enthusiasm) with pumpkins, spider webs, bats and skeletons and today I’m making a sufficiently spooky dessert (check back on Monday for the recipe). There’s also a number of (mildly) scary movies on my list, a bit of prep to do for my costume and lots of seasonal candy to try. In the meantime, we’ll be spending the weekend with friends over dinner and brunch and on Sunday I’ll be going to Borough Market with my lady friends, celebrating Apple Day. Hope your weekend is also sufficiently spooky- and if that’s not your thing, sufficiently relaxed and fun. Have a good one! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

With October in full swing, I’ve finally managed to get back on a semi-satisfying everyday routine. While it’s still quite a pain for me to get up in morning (so cold!) and I hate seeing the day shrinking already, I’m positively giddy about a few upcoming things. We were gonna go surfing with a couple friends this weekend, but since Mike’s busy and I’m slightly under the weather, the next couple of days and the following week will be spent shopping for Halloween supplies and testing some sufficiently spooky recipes. There’s also quite a bit of planning to do for a countryside weekend with friends, and a new cozy scarf I can’t wait to live in for the next few months. All in all, cold and gloominess are quite nicely balanced, at least for the time being. Hope you’re all also enjoying these fall days. Happy Friday! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

It feels like forever since I properly sat down to write here. After a long summer, our crazy kickass wedding, a week in London which felt like a second and a honeymoon in California which felt like cheating on my husband with the coolest & hottest man ever, I’m back. Like properly back. Officially back. I got apples, pears* and pumpkins for y’all, a Halloween cake, a spicy & refreshing beef salad and a couple other tricks up my sleeves- which are now long and made of wool because fall has officially arrived here in London. As much as I miss the California heat and my summer dresses, I have to say this back to school feeling is kinda cool. And to embrace it even further, here’s a couple season-appropriate stories. Happy (proper) fall y’all! [READ MORE]