Food for thought

in Inspiration -


Happy Friday y’all! Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I found myself once again grateful for so many things, among which the old familiar list: my family, my man, many colorful, interesting & hilarious friends, living in London (that amazing, overwhelming son of a gun) and the fact that I have the luxury of sharing stories and recipes here with y’all. I try not to take any of the above for granted; I try to pause every once in a while and really count my blessings. Being able to be thankful for things which we often take for granted really is a luxury many don’t have. So let’s be grateful.

Let’s start with the basics: this weekend, please, please find 90′ and make these.

Libraries (and Zara): my all time favourite happy place.

London’s diversity in a series of beautiful shots.

Doing it right, the Japanese way.

The best hot chocolate is boozy and spicy and comes in a bucket-sized mug. You’re welcome.

Doing anything but not everything with the 5-5-5 cleaning rule.

Women together. Yes, please.

Gilmore Girls and the comfort in knowing that pop culture isn’t stupid at all.

* Walking on all the colours, courtesy of London fall.

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