Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

This food for thought is all full of spring and anticipation for the coming week: Easter traditions, flower power, delicious cookies and wanderlust. 

food for thought

Growing up, the week before Easter was always quite significant; there were lots of traditions involved (some already existing, others having emerged through the years in our family), lots of preparations, fighting and making up. As these were always taking place in our village house, I remember it all so vividly: spring was powerful and omnipresent in the countryside, in every smell, every colour. Each passing moment was significant, different and filled with the season’s enchanting power. I haven’t spent Easter at home in a few years now, but in my heart, throughout this week, I am always there. It is one of my favourite illusions and cooking sustains it wonderfully. So stick around for a couple of my favourite recipes- Easter cookies are coming your way on Monday and tsoureki, my favourite sweet bread and an Easter staple, will make an appearance on Wednesday. Have a great weekend y’all! [READ MORE]

Strawberry love

in Inspiration -

Delicious recipes from some of my favourite blogs; sweet, savoury & refreshing, they’re full of strawberry love and are sure to inspire you too!

strawberry love

Strawberries, these little pink-red, heart-shaped beauties, they always take my breath away. It’s not just their looks; their taunt, chubby flesh, so sweet and juicy, is a temptation I’ve never been able to resist. In fact one of the most vivid childhood memories I have stands proof of exactly that: I am oh maybe 8 or 9, in the balcony of our house; it’s late spring, early summer, a perfectly warm, sunny day, like the ones only Athens can boast about. With me is my dear grandfather, my mom’s dad, the sweetest man I’ve known. And he’s brought strawberries. And they are so damn sweet and juicy and shiny and the water they’ve been rinsed it is shinning on them. And I have one, then another and another and again, quickly, greedily, while my grandfather is slowly savouring each little bite of his strawberries. I’m left with a terrible tummy ache for the rest of the day- but also with this much memory, one of the many I deeply cherish. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

All about food in this food for thought: delicious cocktails, extraordinary ladies, a gorgeous seasonal pizza & healthy sandwiches. 

Food for thought

Happy Friday, everyone! It feels like spring is finally here- although London weather has a reputation for being notoriously and at times charmingly unpredictable. None the less, we’ve had lots of sunshine the past few days, enough to give me welcome bursts of energy and sudden urges to walk around and get lost in the city (literally, I managed to actually get lost a few blocks close to my house, but because of the sunlight, every wandering moment was sheer pleasure). A few summer plans concerning The Tasty Other are slowly taking shape and I hope I’ll be able to share more soon. In the meantime, I am looking forward to a baking workshop I’ll be teaching this weekend (all with traditional Greek Easter recipes)  and hopefully some time spent in the sunshine with my favourite ladies. Here’s some inspiration for you: this time, it’s all about food! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Inspiration -

A new Soho House, a delicious olive bread, the irresistible madness of David Lynch and villages to pack up and move to- all in today’s food for thought. 

This past week in our beautiful, strong, hurt, generous, defiant London was- well, you know what it was. I think I am going to take cue from Mike and avoid talking about it, as there really isn’t much to say. The last couple of days I’ve been waking up with a slightly bruised heart, but still filled with energy and anticipation for what’s to come. The weekend will be spend at friends’ birthdays and gatherings with (possibly) lots of beer and (definitely) delicious food. Stay safe and strong and keep your hearts and minds open. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

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Food for thought: truths about women, recipes for the 60s, ordering wine & throwing a party like a boss and the simplest, most delicious breakfast toast.

Food for thought

After last night’s almost impromptu, utterly delicious and inspiring supper hosted by Georgina Hayden, I can officially declare this week one of my favourites in a long time. The unexpectedly, irresistibly sunny weather had me (and others, I’m sure) feeling light as a feather and in a constant kinda half-dreamy disposition. I have equally dreamy plans for the weekend too, which will be spent without my favourite man, but with most of my favourite women. There’s something delicious planned for this Sunday, which I will hopefully be sharing in the next few days, along with an interview with one hell of a lady. Stay tuned, stay cool.


Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Kids’ lack of sleep, feminism & nudity, super foods, seasonal eating and a spring cake- all in this week’s food for thought.

Food for thought

I loved this past week, albeit for no specific reason; it was not exciting, nor particularly easy, but it seemed to go down a treat, leaving me pleasantly tired at night and filled with energy every morning. There are no weekend plans, for which I am absolutely grateful; I may finish a couple books I’ve been holding on to and don’t really want to let go of and catch up with a couple of friends. In the cooking department, this killer cocoa & yogurt muffin has bee calling my name for a while now and is begging to be made into a proper cake; and my good friend’s Zoe’s new blog is now up and running, filled with delicious seasonal Greek recipes and tons of ideas to steal. Whatever you do, have a good one! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

This Food for thought is both thoughtful & light: from staying alive in Syria and healthy relationships, to celebrating flowers and the mighty cheese.

Quinoa bowl with crunchy chickpeas, roasted broccoli, olives, tahini & yogurt sauce and homemade dukkah.

Gee, am I glad to see this week go! It was fairly quiet and bland and I was fairly sick and a little buried with work. Our plans for the weekend are not grand, but they are exactly what’s needed: a good catch up with my favourite ladies and a birthday celebration at St John; also, a Sunday hopefully spent watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid after many many years and playing with a few strawberry recipes- since I have somehow convinced myself that spring is unequivocally here. Have a good one, y’all! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

This Food for thought is about home and refugees; a beloved Stutterer and a stellar Moonlight; easy mornings and easy lunches.  

Farro lunch

After spending a week in Athens, after only a few irresistibly sunny days which were all at once clamorous and intimately tranquil, nonchalant and deeply moving, I am back in London. Back in this mad beehive, back to my usual ways. I come bearing the signs of parents growing older and wiser and further away, the memories of a perfectly blinding sun and the remains of time passing by appropriately slow. I’ve returned home from home and there’s so much to be inspired by and think about:

An abandoned hotel in downtown Athens houses refugees and the philosophy behind it is truly inspiring.

Race and racism in America in 24 chapters.

“I doubt that I will see a better film than Moonlight this year.” (My thoughts exactly.)

The Oscars are on this Sunday and I can’t help but think back to last year’s ceremony, when Stutterer, my favourite little film, killed it. Love always.

The Brixton memorial for Bowie is a little ugly, a little bold and almost inexplicably makes perfect sense. (And you can contribute to it here.)

The prettiest dish I’ve seen in a while, courtesy of A Cozy Kitchen.

The art of meal planning.

5 steps to becoming (kind of) a morning person.

* Lunch  as it often is around here: farro, green & black beans, sliced raw beetroot, baby kale, grilled haloumi and a drizzle of lemony kefir.

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Today’s food for thought is all about pretty eggs, floral ice cubes, the future of Hollywood and the charm of college radio.

I’ve been at home for the last few days and I could not be happier; things are both relaxed and very stressed, loving and intense, and all around overwhelming. I’ve been spending my time mostly with my sister, over intense workout sessions and even more intense food and cooking sessions. The weekend will be spent over freshly baked pastries, homemade fish and chips, prep for a masquerade ball and lots of time out in the sun. Have a sunny weekend y’all! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought: the power of books and the complexities of gender, the best (cheesy) news and how to cook that steak just right. 

Blueberry, chia, coconut & beet smoothie bowl

This past week was very cold, very intense and quite surprisingly satisfying. Between lunch and dinner with friends, making plans for the blog and prepping for a quick trip back home, the days flew past me with almost enchanted speed. The weekend will hopefully be similarly exciting, spent with my special ladies (I made them these) and in the kitchen, cooking up a few delicious things for y’all here. [READ MORE]