tagged ‘cheese’

Fig & ricotta crostini

in Small bites, Taste -



My very long holiday is slowly coming to an end. I spent the short break I took from the blog eating loads of things from our garden, tasting the most delicious roast chicken I’ve had, trying to recreate the taste and look of mine and my sisters favourite summer nectarine cake/tart and making loads of jam. All these I call research, you know? Tasting as many ingredients as possible, making different combinations, getting my hands dirty, my senses intrigued and my tummy filled. [READ MORE]

Sweet roasted grapes

in Small bites, Taste -


This week is (almost) all about grapes. The star fruits of the summer are usually watermelon and melon, are they not? They are juicy, sweet and absolutely irresistible with their gorgeous colours and lovely flesh. I get it, I really do, you can’t say no to them, you can’t really have summer without them. But let’s go back to grapes: so many varieties, each in a beautiful, unique shade and that taste! sweet and tart, bursting in your mouth one berry at a time. Melons and watermelons also make me starstruck, but my true soft spot is reserved all year round for grapes. [READ MORE]

Herby & spicy zucchini fritters

in Small bites, Taste -


I have a love & hate relationship with fried food. I love it, because it’s delicious and crunchy and hitting all the round notes and I hate it, because I dread frying. You know, that ol’ thing, where you need to stand over a hot pan, turning pieces of fish, or dough or whatever else, having the whole house and your hair smelling like a diner? Yup, that one. [READ MORE]

Spring pasta salad

in Savoury, Taste -


I was reading an article about hipsters the other day; apparently you guys, hipsters are no more. So long hipsters. Somewhere in the article, foods served in jars were mentioned. Huh. So jars are not just convenient storing devices for your pantry, they’ve also been touched by hipsterism. Huh. Do you see the photo above? The big jar, chock full of goodness? Hipster. [READ MORE]

Spinach, swiss chard & feta pie (spanakopita)

in Savoury, Taste -


I left home when I was 18; I’ve been gone many years and food, as much as it is important to me, is not at the top of the list of things I miss. I miss my sister most of all and my parents too; I miss the frequent arguments we used to have and the almost instant truces that followed -although, in keeping with the family tradition, we still have plenty of those every time I go back. I miss the gorgeous house I grew up in and its beautiful balconies, filled with flowers, herbs and small trees and the views to the Acropolis and Lycabettus hill. [READ MORE]