tagged ‘vegetables’


in Savoury, Taste -

Gulash- 620-2

Even though I’m not at all a fussy eater,  I rarely eat meat. It’s not that I don’t like it, but I usually find myself gravitating more towards vegetable or fish when cooking and eating out. The way I eat and cook has been greatly influenced by my parents’ dietary habits: while I was exposed from very early on to various cuisines and ingredients, meat was never on top of the list of foods we’d have, either at home or out. [READ MORE]

Spicy carrot soup

in Savoury, Taste -


One of the (few) things I enjoy about cold weather is my craving for comfort food. Most specifically, my craving for soup.

I absolutely LOVE making and eating soups!  As with most of my cooking, this has also been influenced by my mom: the woman can turn just about anything into a delicious soup and I grew up half in awe of this ability of hers and half resenting the frequency in which we had soup for lunch and/or dinner.  Ever since I moved to London however, faced with full-on cold autumns and winters, soups have also become my go-to dish from the moment temperatures begin to drop and this carrot soup was one of the first dishes I  was making on repeat during my first year in London. [READ MORE]

Stuffed tomatoes & peppers

in Savoury, Taste -


Yemista (meaning ‘stuffed ones’) ia traditional and very popular Greek vegetable dish (although one can also find variations with minced meat in the filling). For me, it’s the quintessential summer eat. Even though my mom doesn’t cook many traditional dishes, she would cook it as soon as we got to our summer house, ever since I was a kid; with the majority of the ingredients straight from the garden, and thus ‘officially’ marking the beginning of holiday season; it would also be the last dish we ‘d have before heading back to the city.