Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

While the weather in London continues being very British (sun! black clouds! tropical style night rains! humidity! sun again!), in Greece summer has officially arrived. It’s hot and sunny and my family and friends are already off to the beach. No biggie. I’m not jealous at all. Like really. I’m just as happy here, carrying my umbrella and sunglasses everywhere, constantly checking the weather and then whining about it. Oh! And seeking all things summery and holiday-y. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

food for thought

Summer is finally making an appearance in London- albeit somehow reluctantly. I’m looking forward to things slowing down a little and to spending the weekend relaxing, catching up with friends and testing some season-appropriate recipes. Coming soon to a screen near you: a colorful bean salad, peanut butter M&M whiskey ice cream and a beet & goat cheese tart tatin.

Stay cool, stay positive, have a great weekend y’all! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

As the saga of hectic weeks continues, once again, I find myself feeling silly tired yet super extra giddy about the weekend. Mike is in LA on business, which usually means the following: house up to my OCD standards, late evening mini yoga sessions, lots of recipe testing and my girls coming over for a long cheese & wine session. I hope your weekend is also filled with whatever makes you relax. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

This past week has been very busy, filled with long business calls, endless emails and an overwhelming desire for the weekend (and sunny weather) to come already. On the plus side, I’ve been experimenting with a couple new no-churn ice cream flavours, have fallen hard for savoury tarts tatin (recipe coming soon) and decided to give my beloved vampire TV dramas a rest and go back to old favourites only to discover that Rear Window gets better every time and His Girl Friday helps my crush on Cary Grant to remain in tact. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -


What I mostly enjoy about this space (apart from all the cooking, testing and tasting) is the relationships which have occurred through it and the emergence of the blog as a platform for sharing food, thoughts and ideas with others. What I deliberately go look for online or elsewhere aside, there’s also so many things that fuel my inspiration or pique my interest- be it recipes or techniques, random facts or things happening in London and elsewhere. There never seems to be a shortage of bits and bobs that grab my attention; and more often than not, I find myself really wanting to share them here. [READ MORE]

UK Blog Awards

in Inspiration -

UK Blog Awards

So happy to be sharing some very exciting news with you today! The Tasty Other has been nominated for the UK Blog Awards, in the food & wine category!

It really is such an honour to find myself amongst so many great bloggers and, through the competition, discover their work and views. That’s one of the things I love most about blogging, the little communities it creates and the free exchange of thoughts, opinions and inspiration it allows.

You can see all the nominations here and vote for the Tasty Other here (until the 26th of January).

Christmas morning hamper

in Breakfast, Inspiration -

Christmas morning hamper

If you’re anything like me, you’re still not done with your Christmas shopping, still going for last minute runs to the stores (oh how I loathe all the stores around Christmas time!) or the post office (seriously, the worst). If you’re like me, you’re still trying to find the perfect extra to the gift you’ve already bought, or come up with an idea for Secret Santa, one that’s cool enough, yet not pretentious, funny, but not overly ridiculous. [READ MORE]

Giving Thanks

in Inspiration -

Giving Thanks

Growing up in Greece we did not celebrate Thanksgiving. But since I was going to an American school, every year we’d get to see an unoriginal and dull Thanksgiving play and eat a bland and unappetising Thanksgiving meal. Once in London and after I met beautiful Adrienne, I was lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving with her, her husband and their friends: the meal was delicious and a little decadent and the whole evening was filled with memories of past Thanksgivings and family traditions. It was perfect. [READ MORE]

Favourite spices

in Inspiration, Small bites, Taste -

Favourite spices

I often think that cooking is like putting together an outfit. Your basic ingredients are the garments and spices are all the little things that make an outfit special, like a great hat, a colorful scarf, a beautiful simple belt, a distinct piece of jewelry, a nice deep red lipstick or a killer pair of pumps. Your outfit would be ok without them, but, adding one or more of those accessories instantly elevates it and makes it shine. Same with spices: you can do without them, but honestly, why would you when just a pinch of this and a dash of that can make a simple dish all that more interesting and appetising? [READ MORE]