Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

We’re back in London and I really have lots of mixed feelings about it. Our tiny apartment feels tinier, yet cuter than ever and the city’s hustle and bustle is driving me crazier than before. Yet meeting up with friends and exchanging summer stories and being back in my kitchen makes it all worth it. Having something exciting to look forward to also helps: we’re leaving for our California honeymoon in a few days and I couldn’t be happier! We’ll start things off in LA and then working our way up the North. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -


I’m back home for the summer and my days are now filled with faces I’ve been missing for far too long, blinding sun, hot weather and familiar songs. Food wise, I’ve been overwhelmed by my mom’s terrific dishes once again, the beautiful fresh produce in our local farmers market and all the ice cream and cheese pies I can get my hands on. Needless to say, I’m already a little heavier and a lot inspired, so expect lots more new fresh and delicious recipes coming your way in the days to follow. In the meantime, here’s a few bits and pieces from around the web, all Greece-related, to match my current state. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

Yesterday’s tragedy in Nice has left me once again numb, sad and kinda desperate. I’m trying to come to terms with the fact that our world is a dark dark place, while remembering that there’s still light to be found- or at least there should be and we need to cherish it. On that note, here’s a few Food for thought links for y’ all, because, dammit, it’s summer and we need to stand up to violence, fear and insanity. Stay positive, stay cool. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

Last Friday, my amazing girlfriends took me to Côte d’Azur for a very long, very relaxing, very fun weekend, which officially marks the beginning of our wedding festivities. Our four days spent in the gorgeous sun started with a long breakfast, continued with lazy sessions by the pool and carried on with visits to beautiful little villages, dinners in Cannes and Nice, too much wine, cheese, ice cream, giggling and beautiful conversation. I came back forever grateful and with a renewed appetite- hence this week’s Food for thought, which features food & drink links. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

After spending a super fun evening with friends from all over Europe, I woke up today to the confirmation that the times they are a-changing and are in fact bat shit crazy. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been having this WTF feeling for the better part of a year now. I mean Europe is a hot mess, right? Things in Greece have been bad for quite some time now, the shit’s about to hit the fan here in the UK as well, the States are not doing too swell either.

There’s so much to think about and endless debates and conversations to be had; there’s gonna be uncertainty and worry. But that’s not all there’s gonna be, that’s certainly not all there is. The world around us is changing, and it’s precisely at times like this that we need to breath in and out, pause and be appreciative of what’s dear to us, be thankful and calm. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

While the weather in London continues being very British (sun! black clouds! tropical style night rains! humidity! sun again!), in Greece summer has officially arrived. It’s hot and sunny and my family and friends are already off to the beach. No biggie. I’m not jealous at all. Like really. I’m just as happy here, carrying my umbrella and sunglasses everywhere, constantly checking the weather and then whining about it. Oh! And seeking all things summery and holiday-y. [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

food for thought

Summer is finally making an appearance in London- albeit somehow reluctantly. I’m looking forward to things slowing down a little and to spending the weekend relaxing, catching up with friends and testing some season-appropriate recipes. Coming soon to a screen near you: a colorful bean salad, peanut butter M&M whiskey ice cream and a beet & goat cheese tart tatin.

Stay cool, stay positive, have a great weekend y’all! [READ MORE]

Food for thought

in Food for thought, Inspiration -

Food for thought

As the saga of hectic weeks continues, once again, I find myself feeling silly tired yet super extra giddy about the weekend. Mike is in LA on business, which usually means the following: house up to my OCD standards, late evening mini yoga sessions, lots of recipe testing and my girls coming over for a long cheese & wine session. I hope your weekend is also filled with whatever makes you relax. [READ MORE]