tagged ‘sauce’

Creamy & spicy peanut butter noodle salad

in Savoury, Taste -

Creamy & spicy peanut butter noodle salad

Today is the first day of February and every passing day to me is another little step closer to spring! ΥΑΥ for spring, I can’t wait for it to be here already! To make things more springy around here, I think a colourful recipe is in order. How about one that’s packed with tons of delicious flavours, too many pretty, fresh and crunchy vegetables and an absolutely irresistible creamy sauce? [READ MORE]

Spicy sausage, pepper & aubergine spetzofai

in Savoury, Taste -


Spetzofai is one of my favourite summer dishes and probably the one I most enjoy eating at our summer house. It’s a very popular traditional quick summer stew of sorts, named after the word spetza, an alternative name for pepper, and the word food. The reason why we make it so often is probably because it contains two of the season’s most delicious produce, fresh tomatoes and sweet and crunchy green peppers, which our garden always has in abundance. The addition of sausage makes the tomato sauce even more flavourful and wholesome. [READ MORE]

Squid ink pasta

in Savoury, Taste -


When I was a teenager, I would decide whether I liked someone or not depending on how they answered a simple answer: what’s your favourite band? I think my answer was always ‘The Velvet Underground’ because I really, truly loved them- and still do; also, because I thought they were so cool, so me liking them would automatically also make me cool (I doubt that it actually worked- I’m pretty sure I was not considered cool in high school). [READ MORE]