Beet hummus

in Small bites, Taste -


The three main ingredients in hummus (tahini paste, chickpeas and lemons) have been featured in many of my family’s meals ever since I was a kid. It’s therefore no surprise that it’s almost always my go-to choice when it comes to savory snacks.

Since I ‘m having it so often, when I make it at home, I try to incorporate different flavors to its basic ingredients, depending on what’s in season and what I have available.

My favorite version has beets, yet another ingredient that I love. The main reason I recided to add them to hummus is because my boyfriend (who will happily devour ANYTHING you put in front of him) has an aversion to beets. I won’t lie: I have been ignoring his dislike and instead, have been trying to incorporate beets to dishes he enjoys, in hopes to make him change his mind. He hasn’t, but at least he always eats his hummus.


Every time I make this for my parents, who are hopelessly addicted to garlic, I add 1 or 2 roasted cloves to the mix- I did without here, but feel free to do as you please.



2 medium organic beets, greens discard

2 tablespoons tahini paste

1 can chickpeas (400gr)

juice of one large lemon

1 tablespoon olive oil

½ teaspoon cumin

½ teaspoon salt (heaping)

1/3 cup warm water (or more, depending on how thick you like your hummus)

To garnish: 1 tablespoon chopped chives

Wash and scrub the beets.

Cut in small cubes; put in pan and cover with water.

Boil until tender (5-10 mins); drain and set aside to cool slightly.

Rinse the chickpeas and place in food processor, along with the beets, tahini paste, lemon juice, olive oil and cumin.

Pulse until you reach desired consistency (I like mine a little chunky, so I don’t mind small pieces of beans left)

Thin out with water to reach desired consistency and mix thoroughly.

Place in a medium bowl

Garnish with chives and serve with cut vegetables (carrots, celery or peppers), pieces of pitta bread or wholemeal savoury biscuits.

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